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This £3,000 scholarship is exclusively available for 2024 graduates of the University of Essex Sussex who have attained a First Class or Upper Second Class Bachelor’s degree.

The scholarship applies to individuals progressing to either a full-time or part-time eligible Master’s program at Sussex, commencing in September 2024.
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Benefits for the Essex and Sussex Scholarship
Successful candidates will receive a scholarship award of £3,000, which will be applied as a discount on their tuition fees. This financial support aims to facilitate and recognize the academic achievements of Sussex graduates, encouraging them to pursue advanced education and contribute to their continued success at the Master’s level.
Requirements for the Essex and Sussex Scholarship
To qualify for this scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:
1. Graduation Status
– Be graduating from the University of Sussex in 2024 with a First Class or Upper Second Class Bachelors degree.
2. Masters Acceptance:
– Have accepted an offer of a place on an eligible Master’s program, whether part-time or full-time, scheduled to commence in September 2024.
3. Specific Eligibility for Sussex Artificial Intelligence Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJSU) Graduates:
– 2024 graduates with bachelor’s degrees at the Sussex Artificial Intelligence Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJSU) are eligible for the Sussex Graduate Scholarship, provided they have graduated with a First or Upper Second Class degree.
Ineligibility Criteria for the Essex and Sussex Scholarship
You are not eligible for this scholarship if you:
1. University Affiliation:
– Are applying for a Master’s program at a university other than the University of Sussex.
2. Progression into Integrated Masters:
– Are progressing into the final year of an integrated Master’s program at Sussex.
3. Study at Partner Institutions:
– Have studied at a University of Sussex partner institution, including but not limited to BIMM or ISC.
4. Study at UK University’s Overseas Campus or External Program:
– Have studied at a UK University’s overseas campus or participated in an external program.
5. Hold Another Essex Sussex Scholarship:
– Already hold another University of Sussex scholarship, such as the Sussex India Scholarship.
6. Enrolled in Excluded Courses:
– Are studying one of the courses listed in the Excluded Courses category.